Just Your Fur Baby

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Moving Your Kitty?

Looks like you’re moving! Congratulations! To you AND your fur baby.

I’ve moved enough times in my own life to know… its not always fun. Maybe it depends more on the circumstance of the move vs. just moving. I’ve had it both ways and much prefer a fun move.

Our Bear kitty has only moved once. Well, I guess technically its twice. We moved from our home we sold on the east side of Vancouver into a rental home less than a mile away. But that was temporary as we were waiting for our new home to be completed - so that would be his 2nd move. I always get nervous about moving my cat. Mostly because I’ve always had indoor/outdoor cats. No litter box. It’s great! But that means kitty is outside and I don’t want him to get lost.

I have a few tips that might help you if you’re about to be “on the move”. Indoor tip and outdoor tip. We’ll start with indoor since this is where you NEED to start and keep kitty for a while.

Indoors - Kitty Move Trick: Cats are all about their scent - and yours. You don’t realize it but when you’re at home, your kitty rubs on you, the furniture, the dog, etc because kitty wants to claim you. So when you move to a new place that doesn’t smell right, do this trick when you arrive at your new place. Rub butter on all 4 kitty paws. Just enough for kitty to lick it off (they like it). What this does is help kitty lick off the OLD scent and picks up the NEW. Just don’t put too much on there and get butter trails all over your house. ha

Outdoor - Kitty Move Trick: 1st, get a break-away collar with a bell. So you can hear when kitty is near. Next, I guess this isn’t really a trick, but more of a suggestion. I keep my cat inside until he is comfortable with the new digs. But kitty needs to go potty. And like I mentioned, we don’t use a litter box. I start by letting Bear go outside with me - we’d start exploring in the back yard. Walk the perimeter so he feels safe. After doing this a few times, he’ll get more adventurous and jump the fence to the front yard. Maybe meet him in the front so he gets it and knows you are in both places and its okay. Do this a few times then graduate to letting him out on his own for a short time, then call him to come back. I do a unique whistle for Bear that he knows is his “cat call” and he comes running. Eventually, you will both be more comfortable and he’ll be out longer. But remember, he knows where his food, bed and treats are. At home!

You can customize your approach and do what makes you feel more comfortable. These are just a reference for you. But, no joke, the butter trick is amazing! It’s worked with all my cats every time I’ve moved. My mom taught me this when I was a kid. (Thanks Mom!) =D

** If you have your own tips-n-tricks for moving your cat (or dog) I’d love to hear from you.
Email me at: Info@JustYourFurBaby.com or leave your tip in the form on our Contact Us page.