Picky Eater - Part 2

Ok peeps! You may recall the blog/story I shared back in the day about a trick I used to get our Rylee to eat. Some girlfriends told us about the food they were giving their dogs and they seemed to like it. So, we tried it with Rylee. He did eat it. But didn’t always want it, so I added some cheese. Well, as great as that was at the time, it wasn’t good for his health. He was gaining weight and all that fun stuff. Now, I have a better, healthier solution!

We changed his food from the Hill’s food provided in the previous blog. Maybe you’re asking how we came about a better, healthier solution. Well, we learned about pawTree this past March (2023). I gave some samples to Rylee and he ate them - which is rare. In doing that, I became a believer and went all out to become a petPro for pawTree (distributor) and I became my first customer!

We have Rylee on the Brown Rice and Sweet Potato Recipe. A 10# bag costs about $55 +/- and lasts a month. I know it sounds expensive, but it’s worth it. He gets less at eat feeding because the recipe fills him up and he stays fuller on less. We also add some pawPairings (food seasoning) on his food too. Just a sprinkle. I mean, think about it — WE like our food to have some flavor… so do our pets.

I guess the moral of the story is… if you have a picky eater… you can try adding cheese if you want but remember that it’s not a healthy option if you want your fur baby to be around longer. Serious pet parents will pay a little more to keep cats and dogs healthy and happier for longer. Because we love them and they are sometimes our children. haha

I mentioned I am a petPro for pawTree. So, if you are serious about a healthier option, check us out at the link below. I have money-saving tips and can help you narrow down specific options for YOUR fur baby. And if you’re pet has health conditions like allergies, anxiety, joint pain, etc. We can help with that too.

** To learn more about how we can help you and your fur baby, here’s the direct link to our pawTree site. We’re here to help!

Healthy, Happy Fur Babies - pawTree options from Just Your Fur Baby


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