Just Your Fur Baby

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Out with the old - In with the new…?

Biddy: 1992-2010 Bear: 2007-present

I know… the title of this article might sound a little weird - or even horrible. I assure you, its not. I just needed a catchy title.

Introducing, Biddy - my orange kitty kat. I got him the day I returned from my honeymoon from my first marriage back in 1992. I knew I wanted an orange male - and I got him. I have ALWAYS had a cat in my life so it was important to me when I returned from my trip, to my new home I had just built, that I, in fact, needed a cat.

Biddy was a great cat! The kind that is like a role model for how cool cats should be. Yup. That was Biddy. He lived 18 years and was there for me when I went thru a divorce from my high school sweetheart, with 2 small kids, moving from place to place as a single mom, and he’s seen relationships with others come and go in my life.

So - what do you do when you have the coolest cat in the world… and you know he’s going to cross that rainbow bridge? [do cats get to cross that too? Or is it just dogs?]. What do you do?

Oh, what do I do? Thanks for asking! ;)
I prepare ahead by bringing home a new kitten so the older one can teach him how to be THAT cool cat! Yup.

Meet Bear. You likely have meet him here before or on Our Story page. Bear came to me when Biddy was 15. Biddy was not in bad health. I just knew he was getting older. Bear learned how to be a cool cat from his big brother Biddy. I totally lucked out! In my adult life, I’ve had 2 cats, and both are kick-ass kitties!

Why am I sharing this “out with the old, in with the new” story you might ask. Well, Bear is going to be 15 in May. Same age Biddy was when Bear came home… and I’m starting to think ahead (again). So many thinks to think about. But the biggest is: I’ve always had a cat, but do I want another at this point in my life? I cannot image not having a cat. But I also think about how nice it would be to leave home for a day or more and NOT have to ask someone to let the cat in/out for us. On the other hand… cats are calming and soft and cuddly and funny and playful… and I’ve always had one. =/

The struggle is real peeps. As of today, I don’t have an answer to my own question. But I am thinking about what to do in the near-ish future. Bear is also in good health so no rush.

I guess the moral of my story is simple - at least for myself: When you have a cool, kick-ass fur baby and you know you want another, the cross over for the older one training the new one is a must. But not everyone is like me, so, to each there own. But if you needed some suggestions or thoughts on this in your own struggles? I hope this gives you more food for thought. =)

PS: I would be looking for another orange male kitty - should I go this route in the future. ;)

Happy cat finding!