Starter Kits for Breeders (puppy & kitty)

When I started my small business from home this year, it started with seeing so many people bringing home new puppies and kitties, followed by them not knowing what items they really needed. Then, I did my research on what I wanted MY starter kits to look like. No one was providing the most important items - like food - just to name one. Then I thought about the best way to get my starter kits in the hands of those who truly need them. And it was so clear - Breeders.

Here are a few things I found that confirmed my business is just what breeders need in a partnership. In collaborating, we can work out details. In short, I can provide the starter kits to breeders to give to their customers when they arrive to pick up their fur babies. Then every puppy/kitten has a cozy bed for traveling home and all the essentials needed to be happy and healthy in their new home from day one.

Here is what I found from other professional breeders and even AKC when it comes to the importance of providing starter kits to customers:

  • “Puppies should always go home with a puppy kit. What are you sending the puppy home with? As you move forward in your business, one thing I recommend are puppy kits for your families.”

  • “Sending puppies to their new home with a “new puppy kit,” which includes a selection of useful items for the dog, is a thoughtful way to help puppy buyers get off to the best possible start with their new friend.”

  • “Whilst knowing how to care for a cat is something that has to be learned over time, it’s definitely something that’s easier to do when you have a starter kit – fully supplied with all the essentials a young feline will need.”

So as I started building my prototypes for each of my starter kits - It’s Puppy Love; The Smitten Kitten - I thought about my experiences bringing home a new fur baby - then all my friends and family over Covid that started bringing home their own critters.

I’m here to help.
I’d love to be the person you, as a breeder (or adoption agency) reach out to and partner with on supplying these essential items for your customers/clients. Just reach out to me and let’s start the conversation. I will make this an easy process for you — because in the end, its all about making new pet owners and their new baby happy, healthy and comfortable.

** Want to start a conversation about a partnership/collaboration? I’d love to hear from you!
Email me at: or call 360.830.6044


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